Thursday, May 1, 2008

Virtual Feeling

In listening to this piece, I experience various emotions that can be described with the notion of Virtual Feeling. In fact, I see the piece as being a progression of virtual feelings. At the beginning, most certainly the prevailing feeling is sadness and melancholy. As the piece progresses, the melancholy remains--the general mood of loving without return stays throughout the entire song--but the sadness slowly disappears. As the singer urges to consider that loving the girl has been a good thing, the feeling is more one of nostalgia perhaps, or maybe something closer to happy reminiscence. Then, when the singer reveals that he will be there for his friend to help him out, the feeling of sadness is almost entirely replaced with feelings of gratefulness. I feel grateful that this person has someone so caring and helpful in their life, and that they have someone to lean on in times of trouble. Again, the melancholy is still there, but it is no longer oppressive and coupled with a sadness that feels inescapable. There is now hope.

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